Digital Framework for the History of the Austrian Military Border in Transylvania

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Last Name First Name Nickname Year of Birth Place of Birth Rank Marital status Profession Remarks
Waldau Anton second lieutenant - Unterleutnant - sublocotenent
Raupenstrauch Johann von Lövensburg 1768 Beszterce rtv. second lieutenant - Unterleutnant - sublocotenent Lutheran / Evangelisch single/ledig
Lehr Anton second lieutenant - Unterleutnant - sublocotenent
Heinrich Johann first lieutenant - Oberleutnant - locotenent major
Irauschek Anton first lieutenant - Oberleutnant - locotenent major
Palugyay Franz first lieutenant - Oberleutnant - locotenent major
Mohai Stephan first lieutenant - Oberleutnant - locotenent major
Zahradka Thomas first lieutenant - Oberleutnant - locotenent major
Illies Georg first lieutenant - Oberleutnant - locotenent major
Seyfertitz Dionis Baron first lieutenant - Oberleutnant - locotenent major
Gallan Daniel first lieutenant - Oberleutnant - locotenent major
Ittul Michael first lieutenant - Oberleutnant - locotenent major
Finger Mathias first lieutenant - Oberleutnant - locotenent major
Popp Macedon von 1773 Mititei/Mittye first lieutenant - Oberleutnant - locotenent major Greek Catholic / Uniert married/verheiratet
Adamovich Procopie first lieutenant - Oberleutnant - locotenent major
Kovachevich Joseph lieutenant captain - Kapitänleutnant - căpitan locotenent
Wurzer Adam Ritter von 1769 Gledény lieutenant captain - Kapitänleutnant - căpitan locotenent Catholic / Katholik married/verheiratet
Marinkovich Jesta lieutenant captain - Kapitänleutnant - căpitan locotenent
Scharda Nicephor lieutenant captain - Kapitänleutnant - căpitan locotenent
Riebel Theodor captain - Hauptleute - căpitan
Brandhuber Johann captain - Hauptleute - căpitan
Puschenthal Johann captain - Hauptleute - căpitan
Brukner Samuel captain - Hauptleute - căpitan
Kreitter Johann captain - Hauptleute - căpitan
Mehesi Peter captain - Hauptleute - căpitan